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发布日期: 2024-8-16 数据编号: 6356257 所属类别: 设备材料


招标人编号(Tenderee No.):42718-B-W-GJ-202405-038
招标代理机构编号(Tendering Agent No.):0618-244TC240P862
1. 中招国际招标有限公司(招标代理机构)受北方华锦联合石化有限公司(招标人)委托,以国际招标方式邀请潜在投标人就下列货物和有关服务提交密封投标:
Entrusted by North Huajin Refining and Petrochemical Co., Ltd. (Tenderee), China Cntc International Tendering Corporation (Tendering Agent) invites sealed bids by international bidding method from potential bidders for the supply of the following goods and related services:
高压气动调节阀216台。其中,渣油加氢装置高压气动调节阀 69 台、柴油加氢裂化装置高压气动调节阀56台、蜡油加氢裂化装置高压气动调节阀38台、汽油加氢装置高压气动调节阀2台、煤柴油加氢装置高压气动调节阀13台、焦化石脑油加氢装置高压气动调节阀30台、30万吨/年高密度聚乙烯装置GLOBE调节阀8台。本项目共分2个标包,标包1:104台,标包2:112台。投标人可兼投兼中。
High pressure pneumatic control valve 216 sets. Among them, there are 69 high-pressure pneumatic control valves for residual oil hydrogenation unit, 56 high-pressure pneumatic control valves for diesel hydrogenation cracking unit, 38 high-pressure pneumatic control valves for wax oil hydrogenation cracking unit, 2 high-pressure pneumatic control valves for gasoline hydrogenation unit, 13 high-pressure pneumatic control valves for annual coal and diesel hydrogenation unit, 30 high-pressure pneumatic control valves for coking naphtha hydrogenation unit, and 8 GLOBE control valves for 300000 tons/year high-density polyethylene unit. This project is divided into two packages, package 1:104 units and package 2:112 units. Bidders may bid and win simultaneously.
2. (有兴趣或被邀请)的潜在投标人可从中招国际招标有限公司得到进一步的信息和查阅招标文件。
Potential bidders (who are interested in or invited) can obtain further information and access to the bidding documents from China Cntc International Tendering Corporation
3. 对投标人的资质要求
Qualification Requirements to Bidders
The bidder has a valid business license (bidder registered within territory of People’s Republic of China)/ Incorpration Operating license document (bidder registered outside territory of People’s Republic of China), and a copy of the corresponding certificate is required;

Domestic manufacturers are required to provide the Special Equipment Production License of the People's Republic of China; Foreign manufacturers must provide special equipment type test certificates and the Special Equipment Production License of the People's Republic of China for the products they invest in;
The valve locator, explosion-proof solenoid valve, and limit switch in the bidding product must have a mandatory Chinese national product certification certificate
4) 标包1业绩要求:
投标人本次投标所供产品自2014年7月1日至投标截止日前7日(以合同签订时间为准)须具有应用于国内渣油加氢(或渣油加氢裂化)和蜡油加氢(或蜡油加氢裂化)和柴油加氢(或柴油加氢裂化)装置上的高压气动角型调节阀各10台及以上业绩(每份业绩合同中至少包含1台口径不低于4"、压力等级不低于CL1500 RTJ的气动角型调节阀,且上述业绩中须包含1台口径不低于6"、压力等级不低于CL2500 RTJ高压气动多级降压角型调节阀)。
投标人本次投标所供产品自2014年7月1日至投标截止日前7日(以合同签订时间为准)须具有应用于国内渣油加氢(或渣油加氢裂化)和蜡油加氢(或蜡油加氢裂化)和柴油加氢(或柴油加氢裂化)装置上高压气动GLOBE调节阀各10台及以上业绩(每份业绩合同中至少包含1台口径不低于8"、压力等级不低于CL1500RTJ的气动GLOBE调节阀,且上述业绩中须包含1台口径不低于16"、压力等级不低于CL1500 RTJ和1台口径不低于12"、压力等级不低于CL2500 RTJ气动GLOBE调节阀)。
